Thursday, July 21, 2011

Best Pokemon black team?

It's not a bad team but there are some improvements that could be made. Firstly, Jellicent has three water attacks. Pick one (I would suggest surf) because you are wasting two move spaces. At the very most have two. You have the same problem with Leavanny. replace razor leaf as it isn't as good a the others and you will never need it. The others are fine. As for natures i would say modest for Jellicent, adamant for leavanny as most his attacks are going to be physical, modest chandellure and adamant Exactadrill. I would recommend a pseudo legendary dragon of some sort. I use a Garchomp but it may be easier to get a hydreigon. make sure the garchomp is adamant. I don't know much about zoroak because i've never owned one but i would say a stab dark attack such as night daze and nasty plot to amplify the power. u turn maybe good for special walls. I think you have more experience with zoroark though.

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