Monday, July 18, 2011

My friends and family think that my boyfriend is controlling.?

my friends and family think that my boyfriend of 6 months is too controlling. my mother refers to him as my "master" and my friends question why i put up with his behavior. i am 18 years old and her is 21. the reason they think he is controlling is because he doesn't like for me to wear shorts, any shirt other than a tee shirt, high heels, or makeup. Also, he told me that i cannot have a facebook or he will leave. I cannot have male contacts in my phone that are not family. he also gets angry with me when i spend too much time with my family. BUT he has never hit me, or hurt me intentionally. he does occasionally cover my mouth with his hand when im yelling, or when i try to walk away he grabs me and will not let go until i talk to him. a few times, he has grabbed my arms and pushed me down onto the couch or bed to try to keep me from leaving, and during a few arguments he has yelled and cursed at me, calling me a *****, whore, selfish, and a slut, but i may have deserved it. i know that this kind of behavior is bad, but i adore his family, and when its just us hanging out, everything is usually great. he talks about wanting to marry me and ive even caught him looking at engagement rings. he is not a bum, and a lot of people like him. he has a full time job, just graduated from college, and gets me anything i need. I do love him, very much, so i do not want to leave him. my excuse to my friends when they ask why i am still with him is because sometime you do things, or don't do things, because the person you love is more important than the other things. am i wrong?

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