Sunday, July 17, 2011

Poker is this move justified?

So i was in the cut of with qj suited and the big stack ( who has been opening a kit from middle position HOWEVER nobody ever got to show down with him so I wasent SURE if he was getting hands or getting very lucky...) now he raises from the high jack to 2.5 x the big blind. I know from history that he doesn't necisarily have to have a big hand when he makes this small raise pre flop because I reraised with good hands before when he raised this much and he folded..) anyway I take a long think and because I feel hex just trying to steak the blinds I decide to go all in for 20 big blinds. Now there are pros and cons to my plays. The pros being I don't believe he has a good hand and I feel if i get called I'm probably not in that bad a shape unless he has jj qq aj or aq which is unlikely. The cons r I've gone all in quite alot but at the same time I've never got called when I've done this.. He instant calls me here with 1010. Just for the record I paired my queen on the flop and all ends well.. Until he hits his 10 on the river... Anyway do you guys think my play was ok? I feel my fold equity was ok because we were very close to the money..

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