Saturday, July 23, 2011

Headache for over a week?

See another doctor if this is bothering you. But from experience the constant thinking about it won't make it go away. There is something obviously bothering you since it is a tension headache. You are going through some sort of stress in your life. You need to clear your mind of whatever is bothering you and let that go. Once whatever is bothering you is out of your mind the headache will go away. I'm talking from experience. I have had many tension headaches from drama with friends, school work, school papers, finals, divorce, cheating ex's and so on. As soon as you allow your mind to let go of whatever it is that tension will go. You can take all the drugs possible for it but what goes on in your mind is way past medication. I'm not saying you are crazy, you just need to let go of that negative thought in your mind. Easy to say but sometimes a challenge when your mind is working. Happens to most of us that have awsome brains!

I need product samples for goodie bags any ideas where i can get them?

i am doing goodie bags for a bridesmaid party . I have decided to do this for that special lady for free do to her income problems. i was wondering where i could get free products to put in bags. thank you .

I have a college professor & im giving her a thank you card..what should I include?

no its not weird. write down how you feel in the card, give your number and also ask if you want to have dinner with her sometime.

First job tomorrow but i'm scared!?

I"ve never worked and im afraid i'll screw so many times on something. I feel so stupid and plus im very forgetful like i forget almost everything and it sucks. Im 20 and for some reason im scared. Im working at subway but its a fast paced job but the problem is im a slow worker everything, even in school. Im supposed to be working the cash register tomorrow but im terrible math like so so bad so im scared about that and cooking and getting everything done quickly is gonna be even harder for me. I so stressed out right now just thinking about this. I mean what if i get yelled at because i can't complete a job on time and even doing right. I also have ADD which is problem. My parents said i have to work sooner or later but i terrified and i feel like im gonna pass out. I have social anxiety too. The say that i'm dumb, stupid, waste of time, worthless, lazy, and my brother calls me a bum and then tells me t grow up. My dad says that im irresponsible. I feel horrible about tomorrow and about myself. What do i do?

There are red sore spot like lumps on my arm pits:(?

in my arm pits, and occasionally on my bum i have sore red sport like lumps. ive tried different deoderants but nothing works!:( they hurt to touch and often have a white head which i can pick off and have puss inside. i've been suffering from them for years now. i thought it was down to hormones but im fed up and they are making me really self conscious and making my life so stressful:( someone help me? i dont know what to do:(

Why does itunes have to be such a pain in the bum???!!!?

Why on earth can't i just simply transfer music to my iphone? What is with this big production just to get music on it? I have had my iphone for about a year and have less than 10 songs on it because of the enourmous pain in the a-s-s- it is to get music on it. What is with all this synching? Well no, itunes, I didn't want you to spend the next 4 HOURS of my life copying (why???) all of the apps that are on my phone onto the computer. All I want is to drag and drop a song I downloaded on amazon. WTF?

Why are these books banned in the United States?

They aren't. Except for times of war, the Constitution prevents any book from being banned in the U.S. (unless it involves classified info). However, schools and libraries and bookstores can choose to ban certain books from the shelves there.

Is he perving or just curious?

Basicly this guy I go to school with is all like touchy in lesson he touches my bum my boobs and up my leg and today he shoved his hand up my top

What should i do!!! ( I need answers please)?

Alright, Well, I first would like to lmao at the fact you guys r going on a playdate. but anyway, he likes you, go for it.

What do you suggest on my hexagon fish tank(50 gallons)?

Recently acquired a 50 gallon hex tank. I have about 10 small fish(mollies,fancy guppies...etc) and 2 snails. Its decorated at the bottom with fake environment pieces but leaves a lot of space. Was wondering if there are any pieces out there that I can use to fill some of the rest of the space. Was trying to find multi tier decor but having trouble. Also, do you think a couple angels would be ok with the commnity present. New to this, so looking for suggestions on making the best result for this hexagon tank

HELP! advice and words of encouragement please?

im 19 and im really trying to get noticeably toned in 2 months... i HATE the way i look at the moment (my bum is the worst) and find it quite embarrassing which puts strain on my relationship. I really dont know how to do it though and although it sounds stupid, im scared nothings going to work for me. So if anyone has tried this and succeeded please let me know or if you have any words of encouragement... Thankyou xx

Was my sister "out of line"?

tell her to get a bloody grip !! You only have one family and nothing can replace them !! Tell her to grow the hell up and just get on with it !! Its only a blimmin picture

How do you loose weight quickly?

I want to loose weight quickly and painlessly, but how? Usually i would starve to death then give up! Does anyone know any successful ways of how to get rid of leg, belly and bum fat? I need to SERIOUSLY LOOSE WEIGHT?!

Do opposites attract in relationships?! ?

Yes, opposites do attract. People like things that are new and different from what they're used to. My boyfriend and I are nearly opposites. It's kind of funny that you mentioned the goodie girl thing with the bad ***. I'm a girl whose had good grades, graduated college at the top of my class, and I am very close to my family. But my boyfriend dropped out of high school, lived on his own since 17, has weird friends who like to talk "gangster" (I make fun of him for doing it around them because he's normal around me), and has a horrible relationship with his parents. We are extremely different, except for our loves for food, games, and each other. It is REALLY hard to make it work because you have to be really open to the other person's views and opinions when they're almost always different but we enjoy each other so it balances out. The main thing is acceptance.

When should I tell her I'm rich?

Okay, so I'm about to go on a date with a girl I just met. I know she is going to ask me at some point: "what do you do?" The truth is, I do a little studying at my local university and I do volunteer work. Now, I don't have an actual job because I'm wealthy (trust fund baby). I'm afraid that when she hears this she will think I'm a bum with no direction in life. I don't think this would be shallow on her part, it's a reasonable judgment to make, I mean we are in our early-mid twenties, normal people should have jobs. I almost feel like just saying "I don't work, but it's because I'm rich, not because I'm lazy or can't get a job." But, I don't want to say this because I hate flaunting my wealth, I dress and live modestly for this reason. I just feel like no matter what, I'm going to come off as a bum, a sleaze, or a liar.

Strange lump :/ need advice on what to do :/?

ok its a bit personal this question :( but i sort of noticed a strange small lump on my 'bum hole' as such, at closer inspection it seems to be like a vain or something, i'm not sure, it looks like a vain as it is blue, it seems to have swelled up a bit, its only tiny, no bigger than a pea, its only been there recently, its not uncomfortable or anything, its just weird that its there, i really have no idea what to do :( I'm 15, and don't know whether its anything to be worried about or not, please someone help :( :(

What could this be on my 3yr olds bum?

Shes 3.5yrs old. She is potty trained but at night she wears a night time pullup just incase (shes a sound sleeper) Shes got these bumps that look like pimples and they wont go away. Her 2 bum checks are like covered in them and they get itchy at times. Any idea what it maybe or what i could use in them. During the day she wears underwear. Thanks

What size clothing gifts do you like for your new born? (Crawling Age)?

My friend just had a baby and the gift I want to get her is little long johns with a sesame character and his name personalized on the bum. Now I sort of want him to wear them when he starts crawling because I think it would be cute. I'm not sure when they start and they sell these long johns for 6, 12, 18, and 24 months. Even if it had nothing to do with the crawling how high up do you like to get clothes assuming they will grow into them quite quickly?

Should I tell him I'm pregnant even though he's ignoring me?

You're as much of an idiot as he is. He's a slut going around clubbing. You're going to be a murderer.

LGBT: I like this guy but he's already pissing me off?? What do I do?

If your relationship manages to progress past its current state, you are still going to experience this. Right now is when people should be texting and calling like's still that fun, initial part of dating...and he's not doing it. It doesn't mean it doesn't like you, it just means he probably doesn't like texting/calling all the time and probably also likes having time to himself. If this bothers you (and it really seems it does), then you need to move on because your personalities don't jive.

What are good things to put in a goody bag for scene girls that are 12 and 13?

my friends are all scene and adorable but i was just wondering what would be good things to put in a goodie bag for girls of the ages 13 and 12 i was thinking glow sticks, gel pens, nail polish, lip gloss, and blow pops. but i want to put something adorable modern not exspensive and awesome in each girls bag but i want it to not be to young and i really want it to be cool ond not super girly frilly and pink, ew. i want it to be a scene item because me and my friends are scene. maybe like cute nerd glasses or something along those lines but not them cuz all my friends have those!! sorry its so spacific but yeah i need to know. p.s. we are having a sleep over if that helps!

Guys is this embarrassing...? *mature only*?

Guys is it embarrassing when you c** really quickly during sex? Tonight after only 15 minutes my boyfriend stopped and pulled out and said "wow I feel like a bum, I didn't even last." Was he embarrassed? Is this embarrassing to guys?

How do you lose weight on your legs and bum quickly?

Ho run, you need to know two things, first is that weight loss isn't quick, our bodies aren't designed to burn fuel that fast, and secondly, fat is distributed evenly all over your body, it just looks like theres more in one place then another, so you can't directly reduce fat from your legs and bum alone, all you can do is run/swim/cycle and lose weight overall. Eventually your legs and bum will thin out along with everything else.

Is what we did technically wrong?

well you guys may have done that stuff to soon in the relationship it may compromise it in the future but why a woman who does durgs and gets drunk she seems like nothing but trouble

Homeschool or Christian school?

I just cant decide! I have been homechooled for my whole life but went to public school one year and i kinda liked it... but i want to go back to public school but my mom wont let me only Christian school. Are kids that go to christian school goodie two shoes? or do they curse and stuff? is it nice? The christian school i might be going to is Parispany Christian School. what should i choose?? oh and i also love being homeschooled because i get to stay home! i just need some edvice.. please help! thanks :)

Really stressed out, need advice outside family/friends?

Both groups of people don't sound too good..your parents want you to be their slave, and your boyfriend sounds like the better option but he just needs a little push towards motivation...I re-read the beginning and he definitely sounds WAY better than your parents!! Just help him find a job and support him and stuff, and ignore your parents, they sound terrible..

Would you be angry in my situation?

No you are not silly! This happens all the time. It really pisses me off too!! Confront your sister and tell her to get it together... to stop being a lazy *** and start working more hours. I think you can report her to her social worker... and they'll start investigating her and why she doesn't or cant find a full time job. My "mother in law" had 12 kids!!! she doesn't work uses the lame excuse that she cant because there will be no one to take care of her kids. Her house is dirty looks like a dump. Roaches everywhere, she doesn't know how to clean or cook. She gets a EBT card which is reloaded every month with a little over 1200 a month... she gets the government to pay her rent.. and she never has money! shes a horrible mother.... a horrible woman... just a terrible person who tries to rip anyone off or borrow money from anyone. Its scandalous. THE BEST SOLUTION is STAY THE HELL away from people like this... SOON ENOUGH they will try to screw you over as ur parents that you are different and you an live on ur own and be responsible and independent. and tell them they shouldnt encourage her or smile upon her lazy ***....theyll get pissed but theyll be proud you are doing it on ur own and your sister will be nothing more than just jealous and bitter for her sorry *** life choices!!! HOPE THIS HELPED.

Ways to make your hair grow faster?

Stay away from heat products. Don't wash your hair every day. Have a healthy diet. Sleep for at least 8 hours a day. make sure you have no dead ends. Otherwise your hair will split, slowly rip off and your hair will never grow. And try not to brush your hair more then twice a day.

Really constipated, what could be wrong? (very discriptive)?

For the past week i have had constipation, whenever needing to go to the toilet, only gas comes out. I have been really straining, i know that is bad. For 2 days now, i hav been able to go i little, but the part around my anus is really hurting, like a stabbing pain, whenever anything comes out. Plus all around my bum, the cheeks and my vaginal opening is really aching. example like ive been tearing myself in two. What could it be? Just really bad constipation?

What would be an optimal filter for 20 gal hex tank with 2 big goldfis?

I am looking to buy a good filter for my fish tank, which brand and size of the filter would do the best job for my 2 big gold fish.

Friday, July 22, 2011

How do I become a bum?

I'm unwilling to work, I'm unwilling to go to school, and I'm unwilling to stay on my parent's couch.

How do I tell my mom im atheist.?

I used to be a goodie goodie christian and then I did some research on christianity. I found alot of interesting facts! I talked to my history teacher and she confirmed them. I never really believed in all that ****! I just did it cuz I was born a Christian and never questioned it until now! Please help me because I already told her but she doesn't seem to take it seriously. She thinks I'm going through a phase. But I strongly belove there is no god. And question to myself why I'm talking to the sky. It all just seems stupid to me(no affiance to y'all who believe in it). Also btw I am aware of the difference between agnostic and atheist.I honestly don't get how people can believe in something that they can't verify!!(no affence!)

Changing transmission fluid?

I want to change my transmission fluid on a 2005 scion tc.It is an automatic with 44000 miles on it and the fluid is a little dark.I see an oil pan below the transmission. Do I remove it or just the hex bolt in the bottom of the pan.Also,can I top the new fluid into the dipstick tube.

I need some really good fantasy romance books?

The books I really like are the trill trilogy,brotherhood of blood,hex hall,blood series,sookie stack house series, my blood approves stuff like that I prefer series but anything would be great so if you have any good books you think i should read please let me know

Hey guys I am having problem regarding MS Excel for windows7?

Excel converting 12 digits number automatically (123456798952 into 1.23565E+11, its a form of hex think so) and I have to add '0' in the start of number or any mathematical operation sign(+,-,*,/) but I won't be able to do it may be because of its default setting.. Help please !!!!!

Spar Mac, would someone explain to me how his giveaways go about in Runescape please?

I refer to his 1-28 goodie bag giveaways. His newest one, up to date with this question, has had two videos posted about it so far. Will he have anymore and give away his whole goodie bag eventually or is it just for about 1 or 3 vids? Thank you. :)

Girl Friend Question: What if your girlfriend was boring?

I have a girlfriend who I have been going out with for 2 yrs. She's a very sweet, and mature girl (I'm 22 and she's 26); however, I feel that her personality and mine don't match up too well. She knows how to cook for me, understands when I'm tired, knows how to give me a massage when I need it. My family loves her for these qualities and being a goodie good girl, and her mom is amazing; they just love to give and give and give. Almost seems like everything's too perfect. However, there are drawbacks... she's a pretty reserved person, and every time I go out with her or with our friends she has very little to say, and I don't want people to get the wrong message that she's antisocial or whatever. She doesn't have a lot of girlfriends to go out with, so she doesn't spend too much time figuring out out how to have fun either. Some times she can be too serious, and can't relax and just take a breather. Another thing is that she is not confident enough to lead anything or do anything beyond a certain boundary. She doesn't even want to try some times and that's what ticks me off a bit. She is always obsessed with getting married, and I feel she is taking the relationship a little too fast. Overall, I feel that I might be bored over time, and end up cheating on her. I don't want to enter that route. Something I am really scared of. She doesn't like to even dress up or look pretty for herself, yet she is always beating herself up and saying she is ugly. It puts me in awkward situations sometimes. I know I listed more cons than I did pros, but hopefully, I get my message across. I just want to know if I should try to change her? (I know everyone has to be themselves, but please just think about this on a deeper level) And maybe I should give her a bit of influence in the other direction so our relationship could be a little more interesting? Or should I just find a cuter funner girlfriend? This is a situation where people would say that I have the "wife at home" as opposed to the "trophy wife"; I want both. Sorry I'm picky like that, but this isn't about buying clothes and shopping at the mall, this is about a relationship for the future. Should I find ways to boost her self confidence and try to make her less boring? Or should I not even try, and then find a new girl friend? Just a random thought maybe some of you can relate to: How many of you watch the office? Do you guys see how many girls didn't seem to fit in with Michael? Like Jan, she is a powerful woman with a lot of things, but she lacks the qualities that Holly has with him. Same thing, I can't have fun with her the same way I did with my ex's. The feeling's just not the same. At the same time, I guess I'm doing something right because we have never argued in our two years (and now you know how boring it can get). To make a long story short: I'd say she would make a perfect wife, but a terrible girlfriend. She has all the qualities of what a wife should have; but lacks some of the things a girlfriend should have or do. But at this age, I'm no where close to getting married; but still I love her for being so sweet. I'm just afraid for this time being until I get married, I won't be able to enjoy it fully because of some of these things I'm contemplating about. So please, if you do have a serious answer for me, I would like to analyze this situation some more. And I wish who ever answers can analyze this from every different aspect and please be serious about what you're saying. Thanks!

When did you start showing?

I haven't actually shown yet since my horse went lame last fall when we were working on stuff. He's good now but with school I didn't have the time and now with the rhino outbreak I might not get to show him this summer like I planned. I am bound and determined to show at least once this year though (I'm 21 so it's about time!). I've ridden some of my family's show horses to exercise them but our trainer shows them right now. After college (and after some cutting lessons) I'll be showing them with our trainer.

What is the best Easter candy?

I was wondering because I wanted to give little goodie bags to my friends for Easter. Any suggestions on what candies I should include? Thankss:)

What is this birthmark?

When my son was born he was born with a birthmark that starts at his ankle and finishes on his bum cheek.. I was told it's Mongolian blue spot.. It's a reddish purple most of time a reddish colour and I've seen pictures of Mongolian blue spot an they are a bluish colour.. His birthmarks gets more purple when he gets warm or gets a warm bath.. Will it go away?

The Light- Hex-Sealed Fusion with Chimeratech?

TLHSF can actually be a substitute for Cyber Dragon or for other machine type monster. You cannot do it with 2 because TLHSF says on it that the other material must be the proper one and TLHSF is neither Cyber Dragon nor Machine type. If you had DNA Surgery out naming Machine then it would work.

Would you be happier without the media?

We all have our opinions, left vs. Right, convervative vs liberal. The media has played a influential role in all our opinionns. Is it enough to bum you out? Or, does the media allow you to go through your day happier, without bias, encouraging you to go out and take on the world.

Im 13 and planning a 9 year old girl's birthday party?

They're 9, not 5. There's a large difference in maturity between the two and you're acting as though they're 5.

How do I get someone to change their opinion about me?

I am a 28 year old divorced single mother who used to be married to wanna-be rock star, knows how to ride motorcycles and has tattoos but I have a baby face and am a bit shy, which makes people think I am more of a goodie-goodie then I actually am. I just graduated college and got a new job. My 29 year old superviser treats me like I'm a fresh-faced 22 year old naive idiot. She keeps wanting to take me under her wing and says really awkward things to me like acting shocked everytime I tell her I'm over 25, telling me how reserved she thinks I am and asking me if I have any friends. I've correct her all the time about her wrong opinions but she seems to be blind to any details about me that don't fit who she thinks I am. How do I convince her I am not who she thinks I am?

How can I get rid of my mother's so called boyfriend?

He has 4 children that he has not taken responsibility for. Not only does he sale drugs, but he snorts crack on occasion. He has no job, no money in the bank, no house. He lives and mooches off of his sister. A complete bum! It is obvious that my mom is out of her sane mind. Me and my mother are well known in our community and if she gets pregnant by him our reputations are destroyed. I really need advice on how to get through to my mother to let her know that there are many other available men who are smart and successful. She has a good job, great life and this so called boyfriend wants to take major advantage of that. Me and him also dont get along AT ALL!!!

Could you explain hexadecimal/hex numbers to me?

I'm kind of interested in comp sci. and my dad told me that I'll have to end up learning hex numbers but I have no idea what it is.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Bikini body a bit worried!?

Okay so im going on holidays in a few days but im still not 100% confident in my bikini.. i am 5ft 5, weigh 9stone but my thighs are a bit chunky and i dont like them.. as you know from reading im not the tallest so i always feel stumpy and short..but there are good sides to it too.. yes i have boobs and a bum but thighs annoy me :( anyone else feel this way???

Dilemmas and decisions...wtd?

screw it. even though she is your mother she has never acted like it. possibly if she sees that you wont give in to her like you always do she will maybe open up. she will only hurt you and possibly your daughter. i would cut all contact with her until she learns to stop acting like a *****. she needs to go take classes or something

Thick white liquid coming out of my guinea pig?

Hello... I've had my 2 lil boys for a few weeks now. I put them on my floor for some excersize and Jerry was sorta pushing his bum against the floor and then I saw some thick white liquid, almost like human ***, coming out... Is this normal? I've never noticed neither Ben or Jerry do this before?

Am I unlovable? Do I need love?

I am 20 years old and in the prime of my life. Women tell me I'm charming, funny, smart, creative, hard-working, kind, talented, and attractive. But recently, my own dad told me that he doesn't love me and I was nothing more than an investment to him. Looking back, I realize that many of my past relationships ended abruptly because the women I was with told me that they just didn't love me. It didn't matter if I was dating girls that were out of my league, or dating girls that I liked for their personalities. It didn't matter how much fun we have, or what I do for them. It always ends the same. I don't try to be perfect, but I'm not lazy with my relationships either. I'm not a needy goodie-goodie, but I don't try to be a dick to people either. (And I'm usually not as cocky as this post is making me sound) I am only 5'7". Is that why? But then again, one of the tens I dated in highschool is now married to a short plumber. The other is dating some unattractive no-name artist. I just don't understand love. Is there something about me that is fundamentally unlovable? Do I even need love?

Any ideas for goody bag themes?

My son is having his first birthday in July and I wanted to put together little goodie bags for the kids and wanted to know goodie bag themes that anyone else has used? My son loves Elmo so we are having an Elmo themed party but not sure if there are items to really associate with Elmo. We will have about 7 or 8 kids total. Oldest is 13 years old and youngest 9 months, all of them minus 2 are girls and one girl is 3 and the other is 9 months. I wanted to do something fun that wasnt to gender specific for all ages.

Need help with finding organization for Community service?

Try Operation Christmas Child. You fill shoeboxes with gifts and they hand them out around Christmastime.

I'm 26 and can't lose weight? Please help!?

Hi! I'm a 26 year old female. I'm 5'5'' and weigh 150lbs. Im comfortable when I weight around 135. A year ago, that was what I did weigh and now i'm at 150. I eat healthy (yogurt, chicken, turkey, fruit, veggies, salad, the occassional goodie) and I go to the gym 4 times per week and run for atleast 40 minutes and do weights. It seems as though I'm just getting bigger and it's extremely frustrating. I don't have the money to pay for a personal trainer, but I need to know what I can do to jumpstart weightloss both for myself and my body. Any advice would be appreciated.

Help with my ex boyfriend! i know its long, but please help!?

i'm in the 8th grade now and um ok so i have this ex (chad) and he's one of the funniest people i know and EVERYONE says we could be brother and sister cause we're so much alike to a point that i get annoyed from hearing that all the time. well, i broke up with my bf of 6 months and shortly after that breakup, i started dating chad. so, he is a notorious druggie and only smokes weed but he did a lot and he'd had sex before. i haven't. chad and i were good friends for about three years. i told him i liked him and we started dating so he stopped smoking pot for me and was probably the best boyfriend i ever had. he made me so happy, he was SO sweet to me and said he loved me. he had never ever said that to a girl. then, BOOM! something happened. he dumped me out of the blue. he wouldnt tell me why, but one of his friends said it was probably cause he was bored, but not to take it offensively cause that's just what he's like. i was so upset. we're still good friends now, and i have another bf, but i cant get my mind off of chad. im about to start smoking pot surprisingly. im gonna be honest and say i am one of the top 5 most popular girls in the grade and my new bf is kind of a goodie two shoes. ive been farther with a guy than he has with a girl which makes things awk for me. chad still texts me things occasionally saying "you looked really pretty today" and stuff like that. i just don't know what to do. i really really like my new boyfriend, don't get me wrong, but i think i might still love chad. IM the one with all the boy advice in my "group" so my friends cant help do i win the way to this pothead's heart? should i tell him im gonna start smoking cause then he might want my first time to be with him... haha:) please help me!

My friends call me goodie!!! READ?

all my friends call me goodie too shoes and idk why they say its cause i get awards and answer questions correctly but idk its confusing me very much do u think im one? i mean i think its good im smart but like not prissy (people call me a priss)

My little brother is a bum what should I do to help him?

Sorry this is long. I love him very much although hes annoying at times he's my best friend in a way and knows me/understands me better than anybody including my other best buds. The problem I have with him is he barely has concern for his looks whatsoever. Now I understand we're guys and should not be over-concerend with looks at and trying to perfect ourselves or whatever; that I get. But you should still have some pride in how you look out in public when your going somewhere. We were going to Dave and Busters and he thought he was just going to walk out in just an old school Shirt and basketball shorts. Anywhere in the house and playing outside is fine but not to Dave and Busters. How should I tell him that? How can I tell him to spend at least a little of his money on a decent shirt on sale instead of a new video game!? I wouldn't have a problem with it normally but its just at the point where sometimes I find myself having to let him borrow some of my shirts. (hollister fits a little small plus hes not much smaller than me {we're 11 months apart btw} so he can get away with it just fine) My parents have bought him lots of nice shirts for him to wear FOR SCHOOL next year he cant touch them yet. When me and my mom go to the mall he never wants to come which makes me SICK because he expects us to get him something wedon'tt know what he wants! My mom alwaysvolunteerss to buy him stuff (I have to pay for mine which is fine) but we never know what he wants+he never comes sothat'ss all his fault. I know he wont be a bum at school he'll be fresh and all but now during the summer I want him to be fresh too how can I convince him to buy a nice little shirt to go out in every once in a while. I think hes realized that he has nothing to wear and as a resultdoesn'tt want to go anywhere. Usually he'll be down for anything. Should I just have a private conversation with him man to man big brother to little brother? I have on several occasions volunteered to buy stuff for him but my parents dont allow that; they want him to use his money on him which is fine by me. So should I have a little chat with him? What should I say? Any other advice? Thanks!

Pokemon vgc Hack checker?

Will the hack checker be able to tell if I used the exp multiplier code if I transfered it from the hacked game to a clean game? Also, will it mess up the hex code for the pokemon?

How do I get toned for my holiday in a week?

I'm going away next week and want to tone up my tummy/bum thighs. I love food so I don't want to diet but any ideas on how to tone quickly and effectively? Thanks!

Garbage disposal hums, but will not spin. Tried the alan wrench method.?

Garbage disposal stopped working. It is humming but not spinning. I used the alan wrench to spin the hex in the center and it is spinning fine like there is nothing stuck. I also tried pressing the reset button but that has not proven successful either. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

POLL: Is it possible for someone's life to be over 25?

You are right, but only she can decide to shake off her depression and straighten out. She may need psychiatric help with her depression, but she has to stop doing drugs for that to work.

Why did God made all that's GOOD, bad for us?

Firstly I thinks it's so sad you don't believe in God, too much of anything isn't good, did you ever hear that, we have to take responsibility for the actions we take NOT GOD!! If you know something isn't good for you why consume it. And by the way just by your question you acknowledge there is a God. Is't not too late for you to accept Him, see how gracious he is, you don't believe in Him but he still keeps you alive.....just a thought

Private Highschool Or Public?

Okay so I go to a public middle school and I went to a public elementary school. Don't get me wrong, I have a lot of great friends and I love it, but I kind of wanna start fresh. I'm a girly, pretty goodie goodie girl, i've only gotten asked out by 2 guys, they were both total weirdos so i turned them down, and i've never played spin the bottle or anything and i've never kissed a guy. i've already kind of made a name for myself in middle school and it would probably follow me if i went to public highschool, which would have almost everyone from my middle school, pus a few other middle schools. On one hand, if I go to private school, I won't get to go with my friends. But I might make new ones, and make a new name for myself. But then what if they think I'm a total weirdo in private school and i don't make friends? My brother was always the one that had more trouble making friends and he made friends in private school so I guess I probably would make friends. The chorus program at the public school is very good so that's one thing to look at because i love chorus i am in it in middle school. but the private schools have great drama programs, and i'm into that too. idk what do you think public or private school?

Is this Narcolepsy? Or do I just have unusual sleep experiences?

Wow that's actually very interesting. I think it's probably Narcolepsy but don't take my word for it. Does anything happen right before you randomly fall asleep?

How can I get rid of ALL my dead (dirty) skin on my body?

ewwww you scratch your bum ? :/ not verry lady like but anyways... you need a good exfoliator, a real good gritty one that will remove all dead skin cells and help smoothen the new ones! go to local drug store and ask for a good exfoliator also always moisturise your full body evey day

I reset my wifi password but I don't know the password!!!! HELP?

I have a D-Link G624T wireless router. I wanted to set a password for my wireless , so I followed the instructions I found online. I went to the site and used the wizard. Where it asked for security I chose wpa and it asked for a hex string I gave it a hex code that I found online at, now when I try to login it won't accept the hex code I gave earlier. Any help would be appreciated!! And fast!

Why do they use Lord Byron as a vampire?

He was married to Mary Shelly, so that vague connections people make between Frankenstein and Dracula may have something to do with it.

Umm.. What does this mean? I am freaking out?!?! ?

probably nothing. dreams don't necessarily mean something. they are mostly based on things that happened in the day or some other point.if you were talking to her about it then it may cause you to dream about it. dreams are just reflections on thoughts

Should I change my girlfriend...?

I have a girlfriend who I have been going out with for 2 yrs. She's a very sweet, and mature girl (I'm 22 and she's 26); however, I feel that her personality and mine don't match up too well. She knows how to cook for me, understands when I'm tired, knows how to give me a massage when I need it. My family loves her for these qualities and being a goodie good girl, and her mom is amazing; they just love to give and give and give. Almost seems like everything's too perfect. However, there are drawbacks... she's a pretty reserved person, and every time I go out with her or with our friends she has very little to say, and I don't want people to get the wrong message that she's antisocial or whatever. She doesn't have a lot of girlfriends to go out with, so she doesn't spend too much time figuring out out how to have fun either. Some times she can be too serious, and can't relax and just take a breather. Another thing is that she is not confident enough to lead anything or do anything beyond a certain boundary. She doesn't even want to try some times and that's what ticks me off a bit. She is always obsessed with getting married, and I feel she is taking the relationship a little too fast. Overall, I feel that I might be bored over time, and end up cheating on her. I don't want to enter that route. Something I am really scared of. She doesn't like to even dress up or look pretty for herself, yet she is always beating herself up and saying she is ugly. It puts me in awkward situations sometimes. I know I listed more cons than I did pros, but hopefully, I get my message across. I just want to know if I should try to change her? (I know everyone has to be themselves, but please just think about this on a deeper level) And maybe I should give her a bit of influence in the other direction so our relationship could be a little more interesting? Or should I just find a cuter funner girlfriend? This is a situation where people would say that I have the "wife at home" as opposed to the "trophy wife"; I want both. Sorry I'm picky like that, but this isn't about buying clothes and shopping at the mall, this is about a relationship for the future. Should I find ways to boost her self confidence and try to make her less boring? Or should I not even try, and then find a new girl friend? Just a random thought maybe some of you can relate to: How many of you watch the office? Do you guys see how many girls didn't seem to fit in with Michael? Like Jan, she is a powerful woman with a lot of things, but she lacks the qualities that Holly has with him. Same thing, I can't have fun with her the same way I did with my ex's. The feeling's just not the same. At the same time, I guess I'm doing something right because we have never argued in our two years (and now you know how boring it can get). To make a long story short: I'd say she would make a perfect wife, but a terrible girlfriend. She has all the qualities of what a wife should have; but lacks some of the things a girlfriend should have or do. But at this age, I'm no where close to getting married; but still I love her for being so sweet. I'm just afraid for this time being until I get married, I won't be able to enjoy it fully because of some of these things I'm contemplating about. So please, if you do have a serious answer for me, I would like to analyze this situation some more. And I wish who ever answers can analyze this from as many different aspects as possible and please be realistic and serious about what you're saying. Thanks!

French's commercial on the onion chicken?

Does anyone else think that the commercial for that french's crunchy onion chicken is just over exaggerated and dumb? Like the kids are all bummed when its dinner time but when Mom goes "French's crunchy onion chicken...!" the kids come running down stairs like its christmas morning. Anyone with me?

Ultimate Iron Man Armor, what happened?

I know some people weren't a fan of Ultimate Iron Man's original bulky armor but I loved the contrast and how sci-fi it looked compared to the regular armor. Now, I'm catching up on Ultimate Avengers and so on and he's just wearing the regular armor; more or less it's just the movie version. When did this happen and why? Was there a distinct reasoning somewhere or did they just do it since the official Iron Man has new armor and Marvel just wants to bank on the Movies? I'm kinda bummed. ;'(

Can someone tab this bass line for me?

You'd have to be offering allot more than 10 yahoo points for tabs.It took me over a week to put together the tabs for my thunder road cover,I had a quick search and found some guitar tabs for the song but no bass tabs.What I would do is listen to the song,find out what single bass note fits in each bar,then keep listening to each section over and over until you can work out the more complex bits for yourself.A good start would be to find out the chords for the song as the bass line will consist of the notes in that chord,then all that's left for you to do is work out which ones fit best.Sorry I couldn't answer the question directly but I hope I have been able to help you a little bit at least.

Best Pokemon black team?

It's not a bad team but there are some improvements that could be made. Firstly, Jellicent has three water attacks. Pick one (I would suggest surf) because you are wasting two move spaces. At the very most have two. You have the same problem with Leavanny. replace razor leaf as it isn't as good a the others and you will never need it. The others are fine. As for natures i would say modest for Jellicent, adamant for leavanny as most his attacks are going to be physical, modest chandellure and adamant Exactadrill. I would recommend a pseudo legendary dragon of some sort. I use a Garchomp but it may be easier to get a hydreigon. make sure the garchomp is adamant. I don't know much about zoroak because i've never owned one but i would say a stab dark attack such as night daze and nasty plot to amplify the power. u turn maybe good for special walls. I think you have more experience with zoroark though.

Does she really like me, Im so confused :( ?

This is lengthy but i'll try to keep it short as possible. Alright I met this girl 2 years ago, the first year I had an extreme crush on her, but come this year we started talking "A LOT" every day. thousands and thousands of text a week, and collected hundreds of hours over the phone with her. She knew how I felt for her very yearly on of this year. And she told me she really liked me, However she didn't wanna start dating right now. Well, being the gentle-man I am, I respected her decision and gave her some time. Well it's been 10 months of hearing the same thing over and over again. With ever changing reasons. To be quite honest I have fallen madly in love with this girl. to the point I hate looking at other girls, because I feel guilty or something. And I think about her night and day!! "NON-LUSTFULLY" I have shared and opened my heart to her many of times, and let her know I love her everyday. " I try to keep it less creepy as possible" Anyways she tells me she is in love with me. "Yes IN-Love with me" Yet in all this time of flirting and talking, she still doesn't want to date me? If she loved me like she says she does, she wouldn't care about these stupid, useless reason not to date, and would just give me a chance right? Recently I got an "unknown" friend to do some questioning for me. One of the questions was "Why do you like being single"? Her response to him was: Because I like it that way.Me and another buddy pondered over this for a few hours. We came to the conclusion she said this because she likes the attention of being single. We think this because, guys flirt with her left and right. (she tells me about it and follows with " Yea, I don't like him" and starts flirting with me again.. until she brings up some new band she likes with a sexy singer or new movie with yet another sexy actor. Friends tell me to date other people, and I did try this about 5 months ago. However I couldn't do it, because the whole time I was thinking about her. I later told her about the date, and ever since she acts like she hates the girl. same way with any girl that talks to me. So I don't even talk to other girls for her, yet she can talk to other guys and flirt with them. And believe me..there is a lot of them. I don't know if it helps but I'll share a little about myself. I have always been single, I have been asked out and chased after girls, but never accepted there hearts. I never found myself attractive to them or enjoyed being around them. For the longest time I thought I was aromantic, until I met this girl. Yes this means I have never kissed a girl, or ever had sexual encounters with anyone or feelings. In my life time I gone through many hardships that were the cause of women. All the male role models in my life have been drove insane and been put through pain because of women. Suicides did happen... My mother was a crack addict , and never gave interest in me and put me down a lot, threatening to kill me, and send me away meany times, and would tell me i'd grow up to be a wife beater and a useless bum. these things were told to me at the ages 6 through 15. So I not only did i not find women attractive, but didn't trust or like them at all. I thought about being gay once, but I don't find man attractive either. and my religion "Christianity" Frowns on it. <- though if I liked men, I wouldn't care, I'd go gay. But I don't. Anyways "off-topic" This girl has changed everything for me, I don't feel like a freak anymore, and finally I feel like I can open my heart to someone. But with this knew found feeling of "love" which I now know a thousand different definitions for, has come this pain. It's unbearable :'( I have never cryed for a girl until this one, never been so jealous, never been so willing to do anything to win someones heart until her. And I just don't know what to do or who to ask or where to turn. Can someone please help me, i am at the end of my rope here. If you would like more details to better answer my question PLEASE PLEASE email me! Thank you so much for reading this far, even if you don't answer my question, it feels better that someone this. (p.s: I have talked to her about how I love her and wanna be with her, and about my jealousy, and pain. Nothing seemed to change.)

10x203.2mm bolt findings cant find?

i need a 10mmx203.2 (8inches) bolt for my buggy and cant seem to find anyhelp would be amazing thanks and needs to be a hex bolt partial threads

97 dodge dakota 4x4 wheel cylinders?

Hi the short story is i just picked up a dodge dakota 4x4 ext. 318 with about 150k the brake pedal traveled all the way to the floor so i took the drums apart and discovered the wheel cylinders were leaking there was goop all over so i am in process of replacing wheel cylinders drums and shoes but having trouble getting brake line off cylinder i have tried heating it up almost cherry red, using penetrating oil, and even got the metal line flare wrenches and all it does is round off more on the hex my question is would it be a totally bad idea to just cut the line from cylinder to proportion valve and using the special socket for rounded hex heads to remove from the valve and replace the line, cylinder, shoes, and drums? wont matter how much i spend on this project as long as its all fixed in the end. i have exhausted all my other options and don't really wanna do that since lines are still very solid but its frustrating if anyone has any other ideas its appreciated

How can I become a slut?

K so at the moment I am a goodie two shoes and I want to get rid of it!!! I want to be a slut... For lack of nbetter word...I dint swear, I dont wear make up... Wount people think it's wired of I all of a sudden changed??? What do I need to do to become a slut???

Why Don't My Parents Trust Me?

They are a little overprotective but I think it's because they love you very much and don't want you to make a mistake you'll regret.

Am I a goodie two shoes?

A little bit, but you respect yourself and you're staying true to yourself and that's the most important part. The guys that ask for sexual favors aren't always just expecting that, but that doesn't mean you should let your guards down. Maybe talk to more guys and see if you're interested. People hold many great surprises.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

How can I fix my computer's AC port?

The ac adapter for my laptop is loose. If I wiggle the cord right, it will say it's plugged in, but not charging. Sometimes it will not even recognize that it's plugged in. Is there a cheap home solution that doesn't require me to buy hex screwdrivers or take it to a repair shop?

Who is hotter. angelina jolie or jennifer aniston?!?!?!?!?

i was just wondering who was hotter as i cannot choose. i mean angelina jolie has a great pair of **** and lips ;) but jennifer aniston has a great bum :L please leave your thoughts? :L

Haemorrhoids or Cancer..Worried!!?

Hemmeroids. No worries I have had the same symptoms for nearly 30 years! Nothing to worry about. If you are really concerned see your doctor, he can put your mind at ease very quickly.

Sound effect help please!?

I looking for a song/ sound effect. I've heard it in a lot of commercials and videos, it starts off with trumpets that go doo do do doo do do! Then a drum comes in like bum-bum bum-bum bum-bum. I'm really sorry that I can't help more and I know that this post looks completely stupid but I'm really desperate for this, I've searched a whole bunch of places online and I can't seem to find it. Please Help! :D

How to avoid poop splashing water on your bum?

i usually have to pee when im taking a **** and pee sitting down, and when i poop it almost always splashes piss laced, poop infested water on/ in my ***... how can i prevent this?

Future highschool skinny girl needs fashion tips!!?

Hey so I am going to be a freshman next year in highschool and I want to make a statement. I look like the typical goodie goodie and have a petite small frame that just makes me look young. I am 5'5 95-98 lbs. I am a vegetarian and eat a healthy amount (2000 calories a day) so don't worry about my weight or anything like that. Where should I shop? My mom is giving me some money for my birthday but I go for quality over quantity. I heard that Bui-yah-kah had size 0000 jeans but I also heard that the store is slutty. I don't like aeropostal or delias because nothing fits. Children sizes are too short on me. Any place that is good at having a wide variety for smaller sizes. Thanks alot any help is appreciated!

Looking to upgrade my PC.?

I currently have a Quad Core computer with a high-end graphics card and sound card. I am looking to upgrade my Quad Core to something along the lines of a Hex Core Processor. My question is, to do this would I have to purchase a new Motherboard to fit such a Processor in it? If not, any suggestions on gear that would be helpful to upgrade that would help better my PCs ability to run upcoming games and such. Thank you for your help.

Should I change my girl friend?..?

I have a girlfriend who I have been going out with for 2 yrs. She's a very sweet, and mature girl (I'm 22 and she's 26); however, I feel that her personality and mine don't match up too well. She knows how to cook for me, understands when I'm tired, knows how to give me a massage when I need it. My family loves her for these qualities and being a goodie good girl, and her mom is amazing; they just love to give and give and give. Almost seems like everything's too perfect. However, there are drawbacks... she's a pretty reserved person, and every time I go out with her or with our friends she has very little to say, and I don't want people to get the wrong message that she's antisocial or whatever. She doesn't have a lot of girlfriends to go out with, so she doesn't spend too much time figuring out out how to have fun either. Some times she can be too serious, and can't relax and just take a breather. Another thing is that she is not confident enough to lead anything or do anything beyond a certain boundary. She doesn't even want to try some times and that's what ticks me off a bit. She is always obsessed with getting married, and I feel she is taking the relationship a little too fast. Overall, I feel that I might be bored over time, and end up cheating on her. I don't want to enter that route. Something I am really scared of. She doesn't like to even dress up or look pretty for herself, yet she is always beating herself up and saying she is ugly. It puts me in awkward situations sometimes. I know I listed more cons than I did pros, but hopefully, I get my message across. I just want to know if I should try to change her? (I know everyone has to be themselves, but please just think about this on a deeper level) And maybe I should give her a bit of influence in the other direction so our relationship could be a little more interesting? Or should I just find a cuter funner girlfriend? This is a situation where people would say that I have the "wife at home" as opposed to the "trophy wife"; I want both. Sorry I'm picky like that, but this isn't about buying clothes and shopping at the mall, this is about a relationship for the future. Should I find ways to boost her self confidence and try to make her less boring? Or should I not even try, and then find a new girl friend? Just a random thought maybe some of you can relate to: How many of you watch the office? Do you guys see how many girls didn't seem to fit in with Michael? Like Jan, she is a powerful woman with a lot of things, but she lacks the qualities that Holly has with him. Same thing, I can't have fun with her the same way I did with my ex's. The feeling's just not the same. At the same time, I guess I'm doing something right because we have never argued in our two years (and now you know how boring it can get). To make a long story short: I'd say she would make a perfect wife, but a terrible girlfriend. She has all the qualities of what a wife should have; but lacks some of the things a girlfriend should have or do. But at this age, I'm no where close to getting married; but still I love her for being so sweet. I'm just afraid for this time being until I get married, I won't be able to enjoy it fully because of some of these things I'm contemplating about. So please, if you do have a serious answer for me, I would like to analyze this situation some more. And I wish who ever answers can analyze this from as many different aspects as possible and please be realistic and serious about what you're saying. Thanks!

Is my zebra finch sick ?

i have a male and female zebra finch and the female started laying alot of eggs and just simply leaving them so i decided to take out the nest. well after i took it out i noticed that her entire bum is bald? is the male picking on her for not breeding or is she dying? she flys eats and drinks all fine and she isnt puffy

Is it bad for you to take showers at night?

So I'm a dancer, and I use all sort of hair junk in my hair, and I get sweaty and all that fun stuff, so I take showers betweenn 9:00 and 1:00 LOL and my brother is all like 'Taking showers at night is bad for you.' Now his girlfriend is miss goodie two shoes, everyone will take care of me, so I don't have to get a job or go to school.. so I usually tell him his girlfriend has indoctrinated him. Anyways, is what he says true? Or is he just being a power freak?

How can I become a slut?

K so at the moment I am a goodie two shoes and I want to get rid of it!!! I want to be a slut... For lack of nbetter word...I dint swear, I dont wear make up... Wount people think it's wired of I all of a sudden changed??? What do I need to do to become a slut???

Is my girlfriend going to cheat on me?

You sound like an arrogant d***. If the other guy even pretends to be nice and sweet and vulnerable, she might just go for it. But idk, she might be shallow and stay with you because of your "buffness".

Birthday parties, goodie bags, everything else.?

Sounds great to me. I always hated those cheap lead paint tainted toys, and left over halloween candy in the goodie bags. I would much rather have something my kids could use and enjoy having for more than a few days before it broke.

Was is wrong to say this to a guy I recently started dating?

well i think that you should tell him your embarrassed about the text, to show your not slutty or anything. Then later when things get flirty tell him that you really meant what you said but you didnt want him to think you were easy or slutty because you do want more out of a relationship than that

Dating advice for a 15yr old male? ONLY girls please?

Okay honestly i think you seem like a great guy . Make sure you seem confident and sure about your choices. some girls think guys who dont drink or do drugs arent "cool" but if you are proud and not afraid to hide that youre not into that a lot of girls will respect you. Confidence is keyy. Dont become a jerk because girls think they want guys like that but they always end up hating them and you are the ideal shoulder to cry on. be understanding and try to find a girl that is similar to you, who doesnt party a lot and isnt a major slut. Youre looking for a relationship not a bunch of hookups so focus on one girl who makes you happy. hope this was helpful good luck!

Do i call him or do i wait for him to call me (10 points)?

ok so i am 22 years old and i had broken up with my BF 2 weeks ago so my friends wanted to cheer me up so they decided to take me to a night club saturday night so that i could just let loose. i got their and i was having a good time a lot of guys started hitting on me and using cheesy pick-up lines but i politely said "no thanks" to all of them when i was thinking in my head "get away from me loser." i hate guys who think just because their hot doesnt mean a pick-up line can get a girl. so i sat down at the bar area until this guy came. he noticed i was a little bummed out, so he asked "is everything ok" i replied "im ok i broke up with my BF a few weeks ago" after that he said and i thought he was so sweet by saying this "oh im really sorry to hear that, man how is a guy that stupid to brake up with such a beautiful girl like you" after that we just started talking and having a good conversation. OMG he was so funny, and sweet, he is on the chubby side, but he was just so cute, he had a gorgeous smile. btw he is also 22. after hours of talking we gave eachother our numbers and we hugged each other. i dont wanna sound desperate, yet i wanna plan a date with him. should i wait for him to call me or should i just call him

Should I keep my mare in stall during lightning storm, or let her have turnout?

Both of my horses are brought in for storms-- they would probably be just fine in their pasture-but I am more comfortable if they are in. If they happen to get caught outside when no one is home they have been just fine. But if I can I make sure they are put in. I have a couple neighbors that help me if we are not home and I help them. .

How to tone up fast and get abs? teen fat loss help?

I'm a 16 year old GUY, 165 lbs, 5'10 tall. I have some belly fat, love handles, and a bit of bum fat. Other then that, I'm really not fat, I'm pretty slim, but I don't look the best when I take my shirt off coz i have no muscle in my chest and abs, just some fat. WHat can I do to achieve a nice, toned, lean look? not huge, but toned and lean. What do I need to do, I have access to a gym, and I plan on going every other day, but don't know what to do there to achieve a lean ripped toned look. On the days where I don't go to the gym, I'm going to do the Spartacus Workout from mens health

Biking a good fat burner?

Nothing helps you lose fat in particular areas. Exercising and eating right will help. I would mix it up though. If you bike ride all the time your going to grow the muscles in your thighs a bit. You should try hiking and kayaking too. Those are fun ways to mix it up and you can bring friends along with you.

How do guys see me? A little long, sorry.?

Stick to your guns - guys are trying anything they can think of to get in your panties, the more attractive you are, the harder they'll try. Save yourself for marriage.

Please Help ? Boyfriend problems ?

Hello, I am a 13 year old girl with a boyfriend who is one year older. He isn't such a "goodie 2 shoes". He's more like a bad boy. Drugs, bad grades, etc etc. But he's really sweet & I know the only reason he is hardcore, is because of his past. School is almost coming to an end, & he will be going to high school. How can we keep seeing each other over summer if I live 2 miles away from the school I go to ? (That was the only option since the other schools had a bad rep.) My mom doesn't let me go out with guys, unless they come over. But my mom wouldn't approve of him. Any ideas ?

Should I tell him I'm pregnant even though he's ignoring me?

You're as much of an idiot as he is. He's a slut going around clubbing. You're going to be a murderer.

Why ball tip hex bit sockets?

I'm purchasing some hex bit sockets. I see some are called "ball tip" hex bit sockets. What is the advantage? I see they cost just a tiny bit more.

Book seires PLEASEEEEE?

Twilight. It's a very romantic series with an occasional rumble.this series is one of the most critically acclaimed young adult series this decade. It's a good read and keep reading till the last word of the last page of the last book because this series is full of surprises

How to Lose weight fast!!?

Losing weight has lots of myths and round about ways, but long story cut short, you get fat by overeating and underexcersizing so simply the only way to lose weight is to eat less and do more. Diets only work as they limit the income to a body so without dieting, cut out all junk food and eat less and do more. Trust me, It works! Hope it works for you.

What to put in 13th goodie bags?

My b-day is July 30 and im turning 13 im having a party but idk what to put in the goodie bags. It's for boys and girls. They're mainly 13 or 14 and an occasional 10

What to tell someone who just got dumped?

She's more of an acquaintance than anything, but she's been really bummed out and nobody's exactly been replying to her "I just wanted a happy relationship" kind of statuses. I was wondering what I could tell her?

I found two fleas on my dog he skin is really red and sore any help?

i have a yorkie and we seen that she was scratching he bum near her tail i looked and it was really red and sore and i think i seen a little bit on blood when i looked all over her i found two fleas so we put flea stuff on her but she is still really red and sore i dont no what to do?

Pokemon Black Help Post Elite Four?

I personally have a grass, fire, water, electric, flying, and a miscellaneous type, ie psychic or rock, and if possible any of those five types with a second type, like galvantula or sismatoad, so I have an advantage over any pokemon, so I'm my opinion I would go with either rufflet or litwick for your last party member

Should I change my girlfriend...?

I have a girlfriend who I have been going out with for 2 yrs. She's a very sweet, and mature girl (I'm 22 and she's 26); however, I feel that her personality and mine don't match up too well. She knows how to cook for me, understands when I'm tired, knows how to give me a massage when I need it. My family loves her for these qualities and being a goodie good girl, and her mom is amazing; they just love to give and give and give. Almost seems like everything's too perfect. However, there are drawbacks... she's a pretty reserved person, and every time I go out with her or with our friends she has very little to say, and I don't want people to get the wrong message that she's antisocial or whatever. She doesn't have a lot of girlfriends to go out with, so she doesn't spend too much time figuring out out how to have fun either. Some times she can be too serious, and can't relax and just take a breather. Another thing is that she is not confident enough to lead anything or do anything beyond a certain boundary. She doesn't even want to try some times and that's what ticks me off a bit. She is always obsessed with getting married, and I feel she is taking the relationship a little too fast. Overall, I feel that I might be bored over time, and end up cheating on her. I don't want to enter that route. Something I am really scared of. She doesn't like to even dress up or look pretty for herself, yet she is always beating herself up and saying she is ugly. It puts me in awkward situations sometimes. I know I listed more cons than I did pros, but hopefully, I get my message across. I just want to know if I should try to change her? (I know everyone has to be themselves, but please just think about this on a deeper level) And maybe I should give her a bit of influence in the other direction so our relationship could be a little more interesting? Or should I just find a cuter funner girlfriend? This is a situation where people would say that I have the "wife at home" as opposed to the "trophy wife"; I want both. Sorry I'm picky like that, but this isn't about buying clothes and shopping at the mall, this is about a relationship for the future. Should I find ways to boost her self confidence and try to make her less boring? Or should I not even try, and then find a new girl friend? Just a random thought maybe some of you can relate to: How many of you watch the office? Do you guys see how many girls didn't seem to fit in with Michael? Like Jan, she is a powerful woman with a lot of things, but she lacks the qualities that Holly has with him. Same thing, I can't have fun with her the same way I did with my ex's. The feeling's just not the same. At the same time, I guess I'm doing something right because we have never argued in our two years (and now you know how boring it can get). To make a long story short: I'd say she would make a perfect wife, but a terrible girlfriend. She has all the qualities of what a wife should have; but lacks some of the things a girlfriend should have or do. But at this age, I'm no where close to getting married; but still I love her for being so sweet. I'm just afraid for this time being until I get married, I won't be able to enjoy it fully because of some of these things I'm contemplating about. So please, if you do have a serious answer for me, I would like to analyze this situation some more. And I wish who ever answers can analyze this from as many different aspects as possible and please be realistic and serious about what you're saying. Thanks!

Will exercising make my bum bigger or smaller ?

If you do the elliptical bike on a high resistance you will get more muscle on your butt, which makes it bigger. The more cardio you do the more fat you will burn. When I ran varsity cross country, my butt was smaller because of all of the cardio I did. Now that I reduced my mileage of running, I got more of my curves back which i enjoy. If you want to gain more on your butt do weights with a higher resistance but less repeats. If you want it smaller or just toned, do lots of repeats without weights or less heavy weights.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

What would you do in this situation?

Who knows? I might start developing feelings for the one I'm always with...the one who comforts me when I'm upset...the one who's morals keep him from taking advantage...that guy. He sounds like a winner.

RHH: I'm a little late on posting this, but it just made my day, hip-hop wise?

^^^What he said, should be some fire. Looking forward to it, I've always thought they had some untapped potential.

Theme song for FX Show "Wilfred"?

I could swear i know it by hearing it.. Its on the commercials all the time. Its an oldie but a goodie, can anyone help me?

Where should my 14th birthday party be?

Ok so my birthday is in September so there's time & I don't want it at home. I can't really swim so please don't say have a pool party indoors. I want like an acrade place. So can you guys please help? P.s. I live in indianapolis & I am a girl. & also if you guys don't mind can you help me with what to put in my friends goodie bags? My party is gonna be all girls. So please?

How to get rid of my distended abdomen?

Before I start, im not really that fat. My face, bum and arms and legs and chest are all just normal-verging on slim. However my belly sticks out more than most people's do. It looks odd to have a belly sticking out when I'm so slim. I do not have much fat under my skin there, its just that my visceria (ie my interal organs) inside my belly do not seem to be getting held tightly in place. I am consious that my belly distends and often hold my belly inwards. Before I gave up smoking I had a flat stomach, but when I gave up a year and a half ago I put on weight. I have lost the fat I put on, but I'm left with a belly what sticks out. I even heard someone say pregnant man to their friend and it upset me a bit. I eat at least 5 fruit and vege a day, plenty of protein and I am otherwise very fit and healthy. What can I do about my tummy?

My mom won't let me wear this skinny jean? Girls only!?

I am 20 years old andI am a guy. It took my mom forever to accept my skinny jeans. Well this jean is a skinny boot cut jean from the girl section and she doesn't want me wearing cause she says "it looks like leggings from the legs and it makes you show off your body from the leg part and butt way too much." she says "it makes you look like a girl" This jeans are meant to show off the body plus I have a butt. When I see it in the mirror it makes me look skinny with a nice bum I guess. That is why girl jeans look good on me cause I have the lower body to pull it off plus I am really good looking. What can I do to allow my mom to let me wear my boot cut skinny jeans? Like I bought the jeans with my own money and my style is somewhat feminine. Today I was going to wear those jeans plus a nice shirt and a designed leather jacket with its zipper on one side and my jewellery like always and designed scarf. It looks really good but I can't cause she says that she won't go out with me to the mall unless I change my jeans.

Books like Hex Hall or Harry Potter?

You know, books about a paranormal-like bording school, or even just a regular bording school kind of book. :)

Should I change my girlfriend...?

I have a girlfriend who I have been going out with for 2 yrs. She's a very sweet, and mature girl (I'm 22 and she's 26); however, I feel that her personality and mine don't match up too well. She knows how to cook for me, understands when I'm tired, knows how to give me a massage when I need it. My family loves her for these qualities and being a goodie good girl, and her mom is amazing; they just love to give and give and give. Almost seems like everything's too perfect. However, there are drawbacks... she's a pretty reserved person, and every time I go out with her or with our friends she has very little to say, and I don't want people to get the wrong message that she's antisocial or whatever. She doesn't have a lot of girlfriends to go out with, so she doesn't spend too much time figuring out out how to have fun either. Some times she can be too serious, and can't relax and just take a breather. Another thing is that she is not confident enough to lead anything or do anything beyond a certain boundary. She doesn't even want to try some times and that's what ticks me off a bit. She is always obsessed with getting married, and I feel she is taking the relationship a little too fast. Overall, I feel that I might be bored over time, and end up cheating on her. I don't want to enter that route. Something I am really scared of. She doesn't like to even dress up or look pretty for herself, yet she is always beating herself up and saying she is ugly. It puts me in awkward situations sometimes. I know I listed more cons than I did pros, but hopefully, I get my message across. I just want to know if I should try to change her? (I know everyone has to be themselves, but please just think about this on a deeper level) And maybe I should give her a bit of influence in the other direction so our relationship could be a little more interesting? Or should I just find a cuter funner girlfriend? This is a situation where people would say that I have the "wife at home" as opposed to the "trophy wife"; I want both. Sorry I'm picky like that, but this isn't about buying clothes and shopping at the mall, this is about a relationship for the future. Should I find ways to boost her self confidence and try to make her less boring? Or should I not even try, and then find a new girl friend? Just a random thought maybe some of you can relate to: How many of you watch the office? Do you guys see how many girls didn't seem to fit in with Michael? Like Jan, she is a powerful woman with a lot of things, but she lacks the qualities that Holly has with him. Same thing, I can't have fun with her the same way I did with my ex's. The feeling's just not the same. At the same time, I guess I'm doing something right because we have never argued in our two years (and now you know how boring it can get). To make a long story short: I'd say she would make a perfect wife, but a terrible girlfriend. She has all the qualities of what a wife should have; but lacks some of the things a girlfriend should have or do. But at this age, I'm no where close to getting married; but still I love her for being so sweet. I'm just afraid for this time being until I get married, I won't be able to enjoy it fully because of some of these things I'm contemplating about. So please, if you do have a serious answer for me, I would like to analyze this situation some more. And I wish who ever answers can analyze this from as many different aspects as possible and please be realistic and serious about what you're saying. Thanks!

Easter gift ideas for my boyfriend?

My boyfriend and I decided to make little goodie baskets for eachother for Easter! What should I get him? Im going to fill it with candy but id like to add some other goodies. Nothing major, just some simple stuff, whatcha think??

Would you Buy candy/cookies that were sold door to door?

My friends and I really need money to get equipment for our group. So I thought we could bake cookies and make/buy candy and put them in goodie bags. Also what about baked goods (like Baumkuchen?) please help. Oh and if it's cleanliness we are very sterile , but I don't think ppl will believe us... We range from ages 12-14. Also we know how to cook :)

What does all this mean, is he into me?

Okay last night I went to my best friends bday party. We were watching movies all night and her brother came downstairs and started watching the movies with us. Well I was sitting in the center of the couch and my other friend sat beside me. Well my bffs bro came and sat by me,and was putting his head on my lap! I wasnt to freaked about it but when that movie ended i got up to go lay on the floor next to everyone else, and he followed me! He came and layed directly beside me! He kept getting closer and closer until ther was no space in between us. He then rubs his leg and foot against mine.(we were all laying on our stomachs) So he then rubs his hand against my side and arm. Then he plays with my hand for a minute then holds it! He takes our hands and puts them kinda under his chest so he's laying on them. My friend then calls me over to where she is sitting,so we let go. I go back to where i was laying and he grabs my hand again. And we are hideing it because we dont want the others to know! I go talk to other people again but then me him and my best friend(his sis) are the only ones awake. So i go and sit in the chair thats really big for one person but small for two ppl. My bff comes and sits on the stool/leg rest thing in front of the chair. So he then comes up and sits right next to me!!! There is again no space between us! He puts his blanket over me and him, and immediatly holds my hand! After a while he lets go, but with the same hand puts it around my waist lower back. With the other hand he hold my hand again. He lets go after a while and puts his arm over my stomach to latch with his other arm/hand. We laid like this for a while watching tv,and him occasionally putting his head on my shoulder. We switched from holding hands to this for a while like an hour i would say! It was SO sweet! He then starts brushing my face with his hand so i knew he was about to kiss me, he slowly turns my head but i didnt want to go that far yet since i just met him last night. So i just shook my head no and he said okay and was totally cool with it but i think he was kinda bummed out. So he just held my hand and kissed my hand! Then cuddled for a while till their dad got home! He jumped up and sat on the ground next to where the chair was. Their dad went upstairs and my bffs bro was going to goto bed so he said goodnight to his sister and then went behind me and kissed me on the head! It was the best night EVER but the bad thing is I have a boyfriend and ya.. What does all this mean? Does he like me? Or was it a one time thing? We just met last night is the weird thing!!!

How will I stop him doing this without causing family problems?

i would press charges on him for doing that, thats abuse, and if you dont get him out of there social services could take him away if someone complains so id have your uncle taken away so that dont happen, and i wouldnt worry about your family, they dont seem to care cause theyre letting him do it

This boy asked me out, I really don't want to bring him down and make him feel like crap, what do I say?

Just tell him Thats you dont mean to hurt him and it has nothing to do with him but you arent interested.... its kinda like lying but its for the best

What to do in this situation?... girlfriend.?

I have a girlfriend who I have been going out with for 2 yrs. She's a very sweet, and mature girl (I'm 22 and she's 26); however, I feel that her personality and mine don't match up too well. She knows how to cook for me, understands when I'm tired, knows how to give me a massage when I need it. My family loves her for these qualities and being a goodie good girl, and her mom is amazing; they just love to give and give and give. Almost seems like everything's too perfect. However, there are drawbacks... she's a pretty reserved person, and every time I go out with her or with our friends she has very little to say, and I don't want people to get the wrong message that she's antisocial or whatever. She doesn't have a lot of girlfriends to go out with, so she doesn't spend too much time figuring out out how to have fun either. Some times she can be too serious, and can't relax and just take a breather. Another thing is that she is not confident enough to lead anything or do anything beyond a certain boundary. She doesn't even want to try some times and that's what ticks me off a bit. She is always obsessed with getting married, and I feel she is taking the relationship a little too fast. Overall, I feel that I might be bored over time, and end up cheating on her. I don't want to enter that route. Something I am really scared of. She doesn't like to even dress up or look pretty for herself, yet she is always beating herself up and saying she is ugly. It puts me in awkward situations sometimes. I know I listed more cons than I did pros, but hopefully, I get my message across. I just want to know if I should try to change her? (I know everyone has to be themselves, but please just think about this on a deeper level) And maybe I should give her a bit of influence in the other direction so our relationship could be a little more interesting? Or should I just find a cuter funner girlfriend? This is a situation where people would say that I have the "wife at home" as opposed to the "trophy wife"; I want both. Sorry I'm picky like that, but this isn't about buying clothes and shopping at the mall, this is about a relationship for the future. Should I find ways to boost her self confidence and try to make her less boring? Or should I not even try, and then find a new girl friend? Just a random thought maybe some of you can relate to: How many of you watch the office? Do you guys see how many girls didn't seem to fit in with Michael? Like Jan, she is a powerful woman with a lot of things, but she lacks the qualities that Holly has with him. Same thing, I can't have fun with her the same way I did with my ex's. The feeling's just not the same. At the same time, I guess I'm doing something right because we have never argued in our two years (and now you know how boring it can get). To make a long story short: I'd say she would make a perfect wife, but a terrible girlfriend. She has all the qualities of what a wife should have; but lacks some of the things a girlfriend should have or do. But at this age, I'm no where close to getting married; but still I love her for being so sweet. I'm just afraid for this time being until I get married, I won't be able to enjoy it fully because of some of these things I'm contemplating about. So please, if you do have a serious answer for me, I would like to analyze this situation some more. And I wish who ever answers can analyze this from every different aspect and please be realistic and serious about what you're saying. Thanks!

What do you think of the situation im in?

For this guy to act like a fake gangsta there should be a very clear reason. Im sure this kid is good. As friend i think you should help this kid out. I mean i guess he is only 13, for him life is not even started yet. Being a gangsta is not going to help but make more trouble, I know heaps of kids who thinks its cool to be tough, but really its mean and very ugly. Tell him what you and the other feel bout this and why its effected him too. If he gets angry do not shout or fight him back, it will make things worse. I think this situation is VERY bad and he needs help, or things might get real ugly.

HELP ASAP!!!! I think someone/something is cursing/hexing/voodoo/evil eying me?!?

I am not all into this stuff but I have ran out of rational explanations for all the unfortunate things that keep happening to me. I need help and have no clue what to do. I need more luck and something to ward away the whatever the hell it is. I got some holy water in the fridge and if I put some of that on will it help? IDK it's just blessed water right? So help me, please!

Convert hex into decimal for color code.?

In hexadecimal color codes, the first two digits correspond to the amount of red, the second pair is the amount of green and the third pair is the amount of blue. In your case, you have R=0x32, G=0xCF, and B=0x9B (in hex). Doing the conversions, that results in R=50, G=207, B=155 (in base 10)

Is This A Okay/Good Pokemon Team (White)?

Look I don't expect u to change but I find it's more fun to use poke on from the game and not trade from other games but excadrill is really strong and rufflers evolve form is really strong and I love him and Deinos finall evolve form is amazinglynstrong although evolves finall at 64

Is it possible to play Half-Life on Windows 7?

I have Windows 7, 64-bit. I installed Half-Life Original Retail on it, and it says it requires High Color. Is there some hex edit hack I can do to the hl.exe or something? It really messes up all my programs when I switch back and fourth every time I play the game.

What to put in goodie bags?

Me and my friend are both turning fourteen and we're having a combined birthday party with around ten girls. We're going to have a sleepover then go to six flags, and we want to give out goodie bags to everyone. What can we fill them with that will be less than $5 a bag?

What else can I put in my Disney goodie bags?

For my sons 2nd birthday we are taking him to disney world. I wanted to make a goodie bag for each family. I'm making shirts for everyone so i wanted to put those in there as well. i'm making mickey shaped cookies that will also go in there. so I wanted to know what else i can put in them... please help!!

Should I continue on with this musical?

Just stay in it. Put up with dancing and try your best. Who knows, you could actually be a good dancer if you continue and put a lot of effort into it.

Does anyone else have the same problem with jeans?

I have a 31 inch waist and 37 inch hips. Jeans are always too baggy in the legs and bum or too tight around the waist. I cannot find a pair that fits comfortably around the hips and waist at the same time. I hope and pray that leggings are not going out of the shops any time soon as they have been my saviour and before they came out I lived in skirts and sweatpants which was annoying.

I'm losing my mind.. I can't take it anymore..?

your life seems to mirror mine im trying to get away from people and media and just be with christ for awhile i know shits hard but people like us have to try and hold on to what sanity we have pray and take risk to find peace and satisfaction i pray that you have all blessings no stressings

A good opening to my book?

Well, I'm going to come up with a beginning for you, but just pick something that you would find interesting. I'd suggest an action scene, or something mysterious that would make the reader wanting more.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hi, my dog is over due?

sounds like she's going to have her pups real soon. Just leave her alone as much as possible and make sure she is comfortable. If she doesn't have them today, I woud take her into the vet tomorrow. You didn't say what breed she is, but certain breeds need to have c-sections.

Fun things to do wit friend?

ok so me and meh friend liz(were 11 ) just want more stuff to do . we do cheer games and make up our cheer and since we live in bellville we go to our mini downtow and get ice cream or piza or we go in the woods and play survivor , plus in like two weeks were making a buisness . just going door to door selling snacks and goodie bags. well anyways we just need more stuff to do .

Pokemon White Zoroark or Krookodile?

Excadrill can learn earthquake and add that extra bit of defense you need to your team :) Hope this helps!

I want him to stop ! what do I do ? (Long)?

My ex is scaring me so much and not sure what to do. He touches me anywhere he can when he gets the chance. He is in every single lesson with me even p.e and he thinks he can get away with it all. In p.e he tries to sneak into the changing rooms and today after work skills I stayed behind to sort my books out and he walked up to me and tried to kiss me but only manage to kiss my hair... he then went right up close to me so we were touching and he was holding me and his mates were behind him laughing and they told me they dared him to do it but he does this alot. Sometimes he grabs my bum and my boobs when he gets the chance. I really can't take much more of this. I suffer from depression,anxiety and paranoia and I had eating disorder in the past so this is really not helping me. I told him no so many times but he doesn't seem to hear me and all of you may think this is stupid but when he does these things I go so weak and I start shaking so I don't find the strength to push him off. Also today my teacher witnessed something but all he did was say "don't speak like that" this was after he touched me up and he said how he wanting to s***g me but teacher overheard him. I don't get why he seems to do these things to me without teacher even knowing?! In P.e he kept grabbing my bum and no one seem to noticed? I want to tell my mum but I know for a fact she will laugh in my face and yell at me for being a wimp. If I tell a teacher they will end up ringing my parents anyway to let them know. I am alone here :/ I just need some advice on how to stop him before something else happens. I am 15 he is 14.. he is quite big and like I said I had eating disorder in the past so I am not the strongest.

What could be causing these little pimple type bumps?

Shes 3.5yrs old. She is potty trained but at night she wears a night time pullup just incase (shes a sound sleeper) Shes got these bumps that look like pimples and they wont go away. Her 2 bum checks are like covered in them and they get itchy at times. Any idea what it maybe or what i could use in them. During the day she wears underwear. Thanks

Should I change my girlfriend?

I have a girlfriend who I have been going out with for 2 yrs. She's a very sweet, and mature girl (I'm 22 and she's 26); however, I feel that her personality and mine don't match up too well. She knows how to cook for me, understands when I'm tired, knows how to give me a massage when I need it. My family loves her for these qualities and being a goodie good girl, and her mom is amazing; they just love to give and give and give. Almost seems like everything's too perfect. However, there are drawbacks... she's a pretty reserved person, and every time I go out with her or with our friends she has very little to say, and I don't want people to get the wrong message that she's antisocial or whatever. She doesn't have a lot of girlfriends to go out with, so she doesn't spend too much time figuring out out how to have fun either. Some times she can be too serious, and can't relax and just take a breather. Another thing is that she is not confident enough to lead anything or do anything beyond a certain boundary. She doesn't even want to try some times and that's what ticks me off a bit. She is always obsessed with getting married, and I feel she is taking the relationship a little too fast. Overall, I feel that I might be bored over time, and end up cheating on her. I don't want to enter that route. Something I am really scared of. She doesn't like to even dress up or look pretty for herself, yet she is always beating herself up and saying she is ugly. It puts me in awkward situations sometimes. I know I listed more cons than I did pros, but hopefully, I get my message across. I just want to know if I should try to change her? (I know everyone has to be themselves, but please just think about this on a deeper level) And maybe I should give her a bit of influence in the other direction so our relationship could be a little more interesting? Or should I just find a cuter funner girlfriend? This is a situation where people would say that I have the "wife at home" as opposed to the "trophy wife"; I want both. Sorry I'm picky like that, but this isn't about buying clothes and shopping at the mall, this is about a relationship for the future. Should I find ways to boost her self confidence and try to make her less boring? Or should I not even try, and then find a new girl friend? Just a random thought maybe some of you can relate to: How many of you watch the office? Do you guys see how many girls didn't seem to fit in with Michael? Like Jan, she is a powerful woman with a lot of things, but she lacks the qualities that Holly has with him. Same thing, I can't have fun with her the same way I did with my ex's. The feeling's just not the same. At the same time, I guess I'm doing something right because we have never argued in our two years (and now you know how boring it can get). To make a long story short: I'd say she would make a perfect wife, but a terrible girlfriend. She has all the qualities of what a wife should have; but lacks some of the things a girlfriend should have or do. But at this age, I'm no where close to getting married; but still I love her for being so sweet. I'm just afraid for this time being until I get married, I won't be able to enjoy it fully because of some of these things I'm contemplating about. So please, if you do have a serious answer for me, I would like to analyze this situation some more. And I wish who ever answers can analyze this from as many different aspects as possible and please be realistic and serious about what you're saying. Thanks!

I need help finding this manga!!!?

i cant remember the title or the characters names but i remember the story line. its a yaoi story (cuz im in to yaoi) about a delinquent and a goodie goodie kid. one day on his way home from prep skool the goodie kid see a club and remembers his classmates talking about it so he decides to take a look at it, when he gets in side he doesnt kno wat to do cuz its his first time going in2 that kind of place, he ends up getting into a fight with this guy, rite when hes about to get hit the delinquent guy steps in and saves them. they start hanging out and meeting up after the goodie kids prepskool lets out, soon after that they fall in love and struggle to stay together. in the end the live happily ever after. think anyone knows wat im looking4?

What do you do if someone puts a hex on you?

Nothing since hexes and spells are all just pretend and make-believe things.No one can really do those things in the real world.

Where can I buy Powder Citric acid from, In the UK?

Hey! Im making Fizzy powder sherbet for my little brothers birthday party goodie bags, and I already have the Bicarbonate of soda and the icing sugar...Now i only need citric acid but in a powder form, no liquid etc. what shops can i buy it in, in the uk? please help. Thank you

How is my story so far?

I think its good. If I picked up this book and read this first page, I'd continue to read it and I guess that's the whole point, catch them immediately so they don't put it down. I'm currently writing a novel myself.

I am tired of being nice, quiet and a goodie two shoes?

I am 19 and a college sophomore. I am quiet, shy, virgin and a goody two shoes. I have never did anything bad or spontaneous. I don't drink, smoke and of course have sex. For once I just want to something different. I am not trying to do anything too wild, but something out of the ordinary. I do go to the club and that seems like that is the only time I am out of my comfort zone. I just want to do something different for once in my life! Any suggestions?

Should I plan games or no?

My son's 1st birthday is shortly approaching. We are having it on a Sunday at a park with lot of play things. I am wondering should I do games? I was thinking yes at first, then no, now I have no idea lol. There will be 4-5 under the age of 1, 2-3 that are around 2, at least 4 more that are over the age of 2. We will be having food and doing presents and I am making goodie bags. The party is 11-2, I figure have some food out, at about 11:30 make the hot dogs and hamburgers. Presents about 1, and cake and ice cream at like 1:45. There isn't a ton of room for games, since I know the kids will want to play at the park. Anyone else have their party at a park? Did you do games or no games? Thanks!

RHH: Anyone else pumped that Cee-Lo and Danger Mouse are coming together for a 3rd Gnarls Barkley album?

To be honest, I'm a fan of both anything Cee Lo touches and anything Danger Mouse does. This is going to be amazing.

Is the New World Order a good idea if done under Christianity not satanism?

no the new world order doesn't exist although we are moving in that direction, and christian government has never worked out

Is this a clear violation of 1 st amendment rights -?

Now replace Christmas or Jesus with another non-christian holiday and ask again. I bet you will be hypocritical if it was Zeus, Allah or Vishnu.

Pokemon White Team Good?

You should evolve all of them, teach your starter instead of attract teach energy ball, instead of leaf tornado teach coil. Your Emolga is pretty good, but maybe teach it a flying move and another electric move, Reuniclus is great, Swanna you should teach something instead of bubble beam and maybe teach it fly. Lampent is good. Dwebble is great. But you should still evolve all of them.

My friends and family think that my boyfriend is controlling.?

my friends and family think that my boyfriend of 6 months is too controlling. my mother refers to him as my "master" and my friends question why i put up with his behavior. i am 18 years old and her is 21. the reason they think he is controlling is because he doesn't like for me to wear shorts, any shirt other than a tee shirt, high heels, or makeup. Also, he told me that i cannot have a facebook or he will leave. I cannot have male contacts in my phone that are not family. he also gets angry with me when i spend too much time with my family. BUT he has never hit me, or hurt me intentionally. he does occasionally cover my mouth with his hand when im yelling, or when i try to walk away he grabs me and will not let go until i talk to him. a few times, he has grabbed my arms and pushed me down onto the couch or bed to try to keep me from leaving, and during a few arguments he has yelled and cursed at me, calling me a *****, whore, selfish, and a slut, but i may have deserved it. i know that this kind of behavior is bad, but i adore his family, and when its just us hanging out, everything is usually great. he talks about wanting to marry me and ive even caught him looking at engagement rings. he is not a bum, and a lot of people like him. he has a full time job, just graduated from college, and gets me anything i need. I do love him, very much, so i do not want to leave him. my excuse to my friends when they ask why i am still with him is because sometime you do things, or don't do things, because the person you love is more important than the other things. am i wrong?

Who are some good hip-hop groups (3 or more)?

I have Little Brother, Jurassic 5, Wu-Tang, Ultramagnetic MC's, N.W.A., Goodie Mob, Non-Phixion, A Tribe Called Quest, De La Soul, The Roots, Nappy Roots, The Pharcyde, Geto Boys, and Boogie Down Productions. I've got a few more but I'm not gonna pick all of them out haha. Any new suggestions? Starting with Army of the Pharaohs but I have a feeling I'm missing alot.

Pokemon black elite 4 help?

I recommend replacing the Sawk with a Bug-type (preferably the Electric-Bug from Chargestone cave - sorry, forgot his name), as a Fighting-type won't be much help against the Elite 4 and Bug-types have advantage over Dark-types.

Why can women ask men out?

That's because they have no idea what it's like to be a man they expect us to look good dress good have a good job a nice house a nice car and buy them expensive things and they expect to just look good and they think just becaus they birth children they're better than us. Women don't get that were not emotional like them cause if we were everytime we got rejected by a woman which has got to be what 50-1 we'd all kill ourselves lol

Are there any games online that are similar to Hex Empires?

I have been playing Hex Empire for a while now and it is starting to get a little old. I was wondering if anyone has come across any games online that are like Hex Empire. Strategy War games are my favorite, so the help would be really nice!!

Anyone know where to find ir codes for Symphonic dvd player?

my neighbor has IR shell, that uses hex remote codes to control devices, he has the 2000 code list but it doesnt have his dvd player. its a Symphonic wf104. anyone know where to d/l the hex codes for it?

How do I beat the "Super Single Train" in the Battle Subway of Pokemon Black/White Version?

Stick with your second team they will really help but as for wat you say about zoroarks ability it is a very good ability. because it could make your opponent use minimal damage moves that would severely hurt the real one.

Where can i get a fake ID?

Im 15 i can easily pass for 18+ cause i look way older than i really am. I CANT ask anyone around my school cause theyre snitches, & i go to a private school they will tell on me in a snap. & they are goodie too shoes, Thats NOT me. but anyway where can i get a fake id or how can i make one? Plz dnt ask why. 10 points.

Should i try out for volleyball or field hockey?

I would say you shouldn't play a sport because you're a self admitted lazy bum, and the only reason you want to play a sport is for a jersey from your school. No offense intended, but you'll just drive the other girls crazy and make them annoyed that they're there because they WANT to play and love the sport, which ever it is. If you hate sports, exercise, and anything that gets you off your lazy butt, then do everyone a favor, and do not play a sport.

Bday goodie bags??(help please)?

I'm having my bday and I was wonderin wht type Of things stuff wht I should use to hold things in? I was thing like pouch, make up bag,tote but I need the total cheap and it has to be cute atleast. The total girls I'm having is 10 or 8 girls.

Whats is wrong with him??

seeing each other for over a year...we got into a petty disagreement that lasted a week....we both are spoiled and both are only childs so sometimes if we dont get our way with each other its war lol.....anywho...he says if you dont like the way I act move on then...then in the same sentence give me reasons for his stubborn actions then throws in about what kind of man I want a loser with no job follow me everywhere a total bum is that what you want....our fights are about him not spending enough time with b/c hes working or doing something the day goes on hes the man best in the world he calls to hey how you doing today etc....i dont get it do he want it to be over or no......I really dont understand men please help

Computer upgrades �200 - �300?

for gaming, hex core wouldnt bring any difference than the quad core.. this is because 99% of the games in this world dont use hyper threading.. so u should buy AMD Phenom II X4 955.. maybe u need to change ur mobo because no one use DDR2 now.. and ur HD 5750 should be fine. no need to upgrade

How to hack myplayer in nba 2k11?

i've seen several ways to hack my myplayer, but none of it seems to work. One that i had a particular interest in was the one with rendering the hex and using modio on a flash drive. For some apparent reason, when i plug the flash drive back into my xbox, the skill points are not rendered, only remaining the same. Can someone provide me valuable insight on how to do this "hack" or provide me other alternative ways to hack my myplayer

Atmega8 .hex code to arduino .pde file?

is it possible to convert an atmega8 .hex code to arduino .pde file? i want to use an arduino to convert the signals from one type of game controller to a gamecube controller. basically i want to do this (a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a but use an arduino as the microcontroller

Good Down South MC's?

Who are some good lyricists from the South? Are there any dope underground rappers out there a lot of us haven't heard of? No need to list Chamillionaire, Cunninlynguists, David Banner, Field Mob, Goodie Mob, Nappy Roots, OutKast, Scarface, UGK, Z-Ro, or anybody from Cash Money. I've heard all of them and have my opinions of their music figured out.

What is up with him??

seeing each other for over a year...we got into a petty disagreement that lasted a week....we both are spoiled and both are only childs so sometimes if we dont get our way with each other its war lol.....any who...he says if you dont like the way I act move on then...then in the same sentence give me reasons for his stubborn actions then throws in about what kind of man I want a loser with no job follow me everywhere a total bum is that what you want....our fights are about him not spending enough time with b/c hes working or doing something the day goes on hes the man best in the world he calls to hey how you doing today etc....i dont get it do he want it to be over or no......I really dont understand men please help

Is it better to rent or buy a bounce house?

We bought one for my Son's Birthday 2 years ago.... It was like $700 or $800 bucks! But my sister my 2 daughters & has used it, I have a friend that has 3 girls, ( & twins on the way) she has used it!! We have used it at our Church for special occasions... We have really got our moneys worth! If you can at all I would recommend that you BUY! but shop around on-line...there are a lot of places that sell em... really look at the sizes!! Best of Luck to ya!

Goodies for a one year old bday?

My son will be one next month and we are doing an Elmo theme so for each kid I was going to have Elmo cookies made and give them each two and then Tie a red balloon to the bag or box that I put the cookies in. I have some problems place that makes the cookies wants to charge me $3 a cookie!! Thats almost $75 in cookies. Can you make cookies like this on your own??? And another problem is a child coming to the party has a peanut allergy so I am not sure if the cookie idea will work now. Any ideas beside cookies? I was going to do cupcakes but not sure if it'd be wierd since we are already having cake. I wasnt going to do goodie bags but wanna do a little something for the children.

YA series to recommend?

there are three books by lisa mcmann...wake fade and gone..they do not have vampires, werewolves, or angels but i read that stuff to and found those very interesting...try finding one in a store or something

Do you have to hit puberty to be able to ***?

Well a while ago i C**ed for my first time because i never masturbated before that i was wondering if that means i've hit puberty. in hindsight all i wanted to know is for a male do you have to hit puberty to *** because if so goodie for me :) :) :)

Sleep over goodie bags help?

im planing an 11th birthday party for my daughter and she wants to have a sleep over with 9 friends so i need help for what to put in there one thing that i now is candy help me with the rest please . i also need help with game prizes too not too expensive thanks

POLL: Is Its monday !?! My song about Monday !! u like ? next RB ?

Monday , Monday it is such a bum day ! I really cant stand it so i stay asleep ! sleeping in bed hiding under the covers dreaming about Tuesday got to make my self up the pizza guy is here ! its monday monday not much of a fun day I try hard to work but its use use less !!! it monday Monday trying to have a fun day but Its not working wait till Tuesday ! yesterday was the weekend today is is a bum no fun mon day yesterday was fun day , fun day today it is MONDAY ! :)

How do I get my mom to stop sticking lollipops up my bum?

Whenever something bad happens like I light something on fire and I caused it my mom sticks a lollipop up my bum and I can't get it out til I use the bathroom.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Can you go put bottomless when it's really hot?

obviously wear pants underneath and wear a top that gos past my bum or is that to naked? I'm a 18 year old girl

Tea party goodie bags?

Candy. I love candy and I'm 14. I think lots of people love candy. Get candy. It is inexpensive and candy is good. Also tops. Tops are fun to watch spin around and around. I love tops with cool designs that I can watch spin around and around. Also balloons. Give them balloons to blow up. Balloons are fun to have. And toy cars. They are awesome when you can rev them up and watch them go. Oh, and more candy. Candy is great. i cannot stress this enough. Make sure they have lots of sugar. Have fun!